Qapsum u tu’ Stlit’qulh (Child Safety)

​The Qapsum u tu’ Stlit’qulh (Child Safety) team provides intake, assessment/investigation, and family services, as well as prevention support.

​Qapsum u tu’ Stlit’qulh means “gathering for the child”. The team works closely with our Le’lumilh and Cultural Permanency teams to secure Out of Care services for children. Working with the family, we are able to prevent a child from coming into care by finding safety with their shhwuw’weli. Our child welfare and kinship response values stes’ tu mustimuxw - the way of our people - that each person’s shqwaluwun, thele, smustimuxw and suli be protected and balanced.

​When there are concerns about a child’s safety or well-being, Kw’umut Lelum qapsum u tu’ stlit’qulh social workers will first and foremost ensure the child is safe from harm and neglect. Our delegated social workers are here to help our families and children.  When there are any concerns around the safety or well-being of a child, the first step we take is called the intake process.

Some concerns we receive from parents, children, families or community members might include possible abuse or neglect; parents who, for reasons of health, mental health, or intellectual capacity are unable to care for their children; youth who are in conflict with their parents or caretakers; children or youth who may be a danger to themselves or others; and youth whose special care needs are beyond the resources of their families.

​The social worker will speak to the person with the concern and assess what steps need to be taken – whether the advice and information sharing, referral to community resources and supports, referrals to Kw’umut Lelum supports, or the need for further investigation by a social worker.

​We work together as nutsamaat shqwaluwun with our Nations, families, schools, and other agencies to figure out a plan that supports the parents and caregivers while ensuring the safety and well-being of the child.  Traditional Family Circle Planning is used to ensure that all individuals and/or family members are included when issues of concern arise for either a child in care or as part of a child safety intervention.  

​A collaborative planning and decision-making approach is used to develop a safety plan for the child that honors each child’s culture and utilizes the strengths of their community.

​This approach can either be in the form of a Family Group Conference or a Traditional Decision-Making Process with the child’s immediate family, extended family and other community members with ties to the family.

Sharing a Concern

Community members have a duty to report their concerns in order to help protect children.

 The Agency does not disclose the identity of the person who provides information.

 The Agency is required to assess your concerns and also to report back to you the outcome of their investigation.

​Call us at 250-591-0933

Family Circle Planning

Kw’umut Lelum provides Family Circle Planning to ensure that all individuals and/or family members are included when issues of concern arise for the safety and/or well-being of either a child in care or as part of an child safety intervention.   

 The Family Circle Planner organizes and facilitates Circle Conferences at any stage of a child safety assessment process, voluntary family service or permanency planning process with a child or family.