Feedback and Complaints

We appreciate hearing your feedback – Good or bad – Kw’umut Lelum is committed to working with you to resolve any concerns you may have.
The easiest way to sort out a problem is to contact your worker directly. If that doesn't work, ask to get in touch with their Team Lead to help resolve the issue.
If you don't have a social worker, or if you want to make a formal complaint, you can also ask to talk to our Complaints Specialist - they will know exactly how best to address your concern.
Prefer to send feedback electronically? No problem! Use our feedback form and we will get back to you within 5 business days. Please make sure you give us your contact details.
There are some issues we may not be able to help out with - such as decisions that are currently before the courts - but we will let you know if that is the case.
Contact our Complaints Specialist directly with questions or concerns: You can email complaints@kwumut.org OR call us at 250.591.0933 and ask for the Complaints Specialist.
If you disagree with the decision:
If you think that any of the decisions, conclusions, or recommendations reached through Kw’umut Lelum’s complaint process are unfair, you may request an external review through the Office of the Ombudsperson.
Representative for Children and Youth (RCY)
The RCY supports children, youth and families who need help with child welfare concerns.
Phone: 1 800 476-3933
Fax: 250 356-0837
Email: rcy@rcybc.ca www.rcybc.ca
How and why to report suspected abuse or neglect
Under the Child and Family Services Act, anyone who believes a child may be in need of protection is required to report their concerns to a child welfare agency.
Community members have a duty to report their concerns in order to help protect children.
Kw'umut Lelum does not disclose the identity of the person who provides the information.
Kw'umut Lelum is required to direct your concerns and also to report back to you the outcome of our investigation.
To use the Telephone Device for the Deaf, dial 1-866-660-0505
If your complaint concerns a child who is in need of protection, Call the Helpline for Children at 310-1234 (no area code needed). This is a toll-free number. It is a local telephone number anywhere in the province.