Yuqwuhem u tu’ Stlit’qulh (Guardianship)

We are proud of our families and communities who put in the work to make sure that our xe’ xe’ smun’eem remain with their parents or shhwuw’weli.

For those who do come into temporary or continuing care, our Yuqwuhem u tu’ Stlit’qulh workers are responsible for their care, custody, and guardianship.  They ensure that each child or youth has a plan of care that supports their cultural and family connection, their education, health and emotional and behavioral development, and finding a permanent home out of care. In this way, we can honour stes’ tu mustimuxw - the way of our people - that each person’s shqwaluwun, thele, smustimuxw and suli be protected and balanced.

Everyone involved in the child or youth’s care – including family and caregivers – has a voice in developing these plans, and an obligation to help see them carried out in the best interest of the child.

Children, Culture, Community

All Kw'umut Lelum programs and services place children in the center of their culture and community by drawing on cultural experts, s’ul’eluhw, and community leaders to actively participate in program planning and delivery.

Kw'umut Lelum programs are rich with Coast Salish language, sy’aath and snuwuy’ulh.