Cedar Gala Celebrates 25 Years
Thursday, March 24th, Kw'umut Lelum hosted a Cedar Gala where we celebrated 25 years of providing Indigenous-centered programming and services as an agency, as well as the creation of the newly-launched Kw'umut Lelum Foundation. At the VI Conference Centre, more than 250 guests gathered together for an opportunity to recognize and honour our incredible achievements over the past 25 years and to collaborate, grow partnerships, and unite efforts to expand cultural, economic, social, educational, and recreational access for our families.
Museum-style exhibits encouraged attendees to learn about Coast Salish history, culture and art, and the program included singers, dancers, a fashion show by Ay Lelum, and a video retrospective of Kw'umut Lelum's community impact. A silent auction featuring items created by Coast Salish artists, as well as donations from attendees throughout the night, raised thousands of dollars for the KL Foundation, alongside a thrilling announcement from both the MasterCard Foundation and Indspire who pledged considerable sums to help the Foundation fund needed programs within our communities.