Summer Safety Tips!
The long days of summer provide a much-anticipated break from day care, and school, and are often filled with swimming, cookouts, travel and outdoor fun. The summer can also carry danger for children as the hot sun puts kids at risk of sunburn, dehydration and heat-related illness. As you take part in summer activities be sure to:
Look for signs of heat exhaustion Cases of heat stroke spike during the summer months and this can be life-threatening in children. Prior to heat stroke, kids often show milder symptoms such as heat cramps and heat exhaustion. Make sure children take water breaks and wear lightweight clothing when playing outside. See the sidebar for more information.
Check for car safety. Make sure your child’s car seat is properly fitted before hitting the road for a family vacation.
Never leave a child unattended in a car. The temperature inside a car can rise quickly, and just a few minutes can be the difference between life and death. Establish a routine to check the car before locking.
Protect skin from the sun. Wear long-sleeved, loose-fitting clothing and apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher whenever your child is going to be outdoors. Reapply every three hours or immediately after your child has been in or splashed by water. Try to avoid outdoor activities during peak sunshine hours.
Avoid bug bites as the weather warms up, bugs come out in full force. To avoid bug bites, apply insect repellant before spending time outdoors, avoid using heavily scented soaps or lotions and cover arms and legs as much as possible.
Wear a life jacket! If you’re heading to the lake to cool off this summer, make sure to bring a U.S. Coast-Guard approved personal flotation device. A properly fitted life jacket is snug yet comfortable, and will not move above the chin or ears when you lift it at the shoulders
Wear a hat! This protects your toddler/child from the harmful effects of the sun. It also teaches them the value of protection from the effects of sun exposure, a life lesson that can never be learned early enough.
Drink enough water. Kids are more prone to dehydration than adults, and their risk increases as temperatures rise. The amount of water a child should drink varies by age, weight and activity level. However, a general rule is to take half of your child’s weight (up to 100 pounds) – and that’s the number of ounces of water they should drink everyday.
Before heat stroke symptoms appear, kids often show signs of heat cramps and heat exhaustion. This often occurs after a child has been exercising or playing in the heat and becomes dehydrated.
Signs of heat exhaustion include:
· An elevated body temperature,
usually between 100˚ and 104˚ F
· Cool, clammy skin despite the heat
· Goose bumps
· Fainting, dizziness or weakness
· Headache
· Increased sweating
· Increased thirst
· Irritability
· Muscle cramps
· Nausea and/or vomiting
Children may be at a higher risk for heat exhaustion if they:
· Are overweight or obese
· Are taking certain medications
· Have a sunburn
· Are sick
It’s important to treat heat exhaustion immediately, as it can develop into heat stroke. If your child shows symptoms, you should:
· Bring your child to a cool, shaded place – preferably in an airconditioned building or vehicle.
· Encourage him or her to drink cool fluids that contain salt (like sports drinks).
· Apply a cold wet towel or sponge to the skin.
· Gently stretch or massage sore muscles if your child complains of painful muscle cramps in his or her legs, arms or abdomen.
If your child is unable to drink or seems to be losing alertness, call your doctor or seek medical attention immediately.
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