Holiday Hampers Embody the Teachings of Generosity
Our staff got in the true spirit of the season, and embodied the Coast Salish value of generosity, by collecting and donating non-perishable foods, household goods, toys and gifts to our annual Christmas Hamper program.
Each year, one family from each of our communities (as well as one each from those living in our urban centres of Duncan and Nanaimo) are chosen to receive a Christmas hamper filled with everything they need to enjoy a holiday meal with their household. Families are selected with input from our front-line workers and Nation representatives.
We know how much some families in our communities are struggling to make ends meet – and this year brings even more challenges in light of the global pandemic, as well as recent flooding. Kw’umut Lelum staff take this to heart in the work they do every day and we welcomed an opportunity to support our families at the holidays.
In addition to the family hampers, our teams put together 30 care packages for our Step Up youth to help support their independence over the holidays, and Early Years hampers for all of our 4 Seasons Early Years program participants.
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