Eating Healthy on a Budget
We've gathered some simple tips to help you and your family save money at the grocery store while still eating healthy.
Traditional Harvest: ‘Eeyt
With our traditional territories on the Salish Sea, Coast Salish peoples have relied on the abundance of fish in our waters for thousands of years. While salmon may perhaps be the most prized catch there are also many types of bottom-feeding fish which were also harvested including ‘eeyt - the lingcod.
Traditional Harvest: S'axwa'
The Coast Salish people have been harvesting clams for thousands of years as a vital part of their diet and cultural practices. From raw to boiled, baked, steamed and dried, clams have been enjoyed for generations.
Healing with Devil's Club
The plant is widely used by many Indigenous peoples as it has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments. It has medicinal, practical, ceremonial and spiritual uses in Coastal First Nation groups. The many medicinal purposes of this plant vary among cultural groups, though most traditional medicines utilize the roots, and green inner bark of the branch or stalk.
Traditional Foods: The Herring Harvest
In the past during spawn season, herring were pulled from the water with baskets, dip nets, spears and long-handed rakes. Some people also used stone or wood fish traps on the intertidal areas of beaches to trap fish on the declining tide.
Bonnie Williams Homemade Corn Chowder
Those of you who took part in our Cultural Connections cooking series know that cooking (and eating) together as a family builds strong bonds and opportunities to share family teachings and values. For a warming winter meal that you can make inexpensively – try Bonnie William's Corn Chowder!
Traditional Medicine: Elderberries
It’s cold and flu season – so give your immune system a boost with a traditional medicine of elderberry syrup. The red elderberry (th’iwuq’) is native to Vancouver Island and has been harvested by the Coast Salish people for millennia. Huy ch q'a to Kristin Thomas (Halalt) for her recipe!